Barnsley Schwäbisch Gmünd Twin Town SocietySchwäbisch Gmünd LogoBarnsley Schwäbisch Gmünd Twin Town SocietyBarnsley Metropolitan Borough Council LogoBarnsley Schwäbisch Gmünd Twin Town Society

Mayor of Barnsley

"It is my pleasure and such an honour to serve as Mayor of Barnsley for 2024 /25. Welcome to the Barnsley Schwäbisch Gmünd Twin Town Society website, a platform that showcases the wonderful friendship and cooperation between our two towns. I am very proud of the long-standing and fruitful partnership that we have established since 1971, when we officially became twin towns." more

Councillor Cllr. John William Clarke JP - Mayor of Barnsley 2024/2025

Richard Arnold, Lord Mayor Schwäbisch Gmünd


"Together with Barnsley Schwäbisch Gmünd Twin Town Society I would like to extend a cordial welcome to all visitors on this website. The twinning connections between Barnsley and Schwäbisch Gmünd are very special." more

Richard Arnold, Oberbürgermeister Schwäbisch Gmünd


Please browse our website via the links above to discover more about us, our activities and our wonderful twin town friends and experiences.

Links have existed between Barnsley and the Baden-Württemberg town of Schwäbisch Gmünd since 1954.

Map of Europe pointing out Barnsley and Schwäbisch Gmünd

Twinning people without borders - cultural understanding, friendships and exchanges, mutually beneficial partnerships, learn and share experiences of community lifestyles and values, exchanges of traditions through music, sport, food and drink, clothing and well being, bringing people together.

It is interesting to note that initial links which led to the friendship and twinning was started by young people primarily through youth exchanges in the early days.

On June 24th 1971, the two towns were formally twinned, supported by both Local authorities, their Officers, Mayors, Burgermeisters and Oberburgermeisters in an official twinning ceremony and document. Since then regular visits by council officials has taken place in both directions but it was felt that twinning should also involve ordinary towns-people and on March 28th 1978 the inaugural meeting of what was to become the Barnsley Schwäbisch Gmünd Twin Town Society was held.

Countless Barnsley people have to date, visited the historic Baden-Württemberg twin town, marvelled at the scenic beauty, fascinating architecture and experienced the warm hospitality of the townfolk.

We are self-financing, raising funds through our events and the contributions of our members.

We do not receive any subsidies from Barnsley Council.

It is hoped that browsing this website will encourage you to get involved, get in touch, sample an event or two and become a member of the Barnsley Schwäbisch Gmünd Twin Town Society.

If you would like to help or donate something, please click on the Contact link, we will be happy to inform you of our account details.

BSGTTS is a non-profit organisation involved in;
"the promotion of relations between the populations of the official twin towns of Barnsley and Schwäbisch Gmünd".

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